Results of blood tests are helpful in diagnosing serious disorders such as heart problems and diabetes even if you are not showing symptoms. With modern laboratory techniques, you can opt for blood sample home collection. A blood test acts like a health gauge and exposes diseases growing inside the body. There are plenty of blood tests available but four of them are more important for women and their results give a comprehensive look into your health. In this post we have discussed them in detail.
Lipid Panel
Significance: It checks the levels of two types of cholesterols i.e., high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Medically, HDL is considered good as it cleans your blood from harmful substances and changes them into waste. LDL increases risk of heart problems by helping plaque to build up in arteries.
Frequency of this test: Females who have a family history of heart diseases or have diabetes should go through this test once every year. Even if you don’t have any of these indicators of risk, you should consult your doctor about the frequency.
Range: Healthy Range of Lipid Panel: Your HDL should be more than 50mg/dl and LDL range should be less than 100 mg/dl.
How to control high levels of cholesterol: You need to avoid foods with unhealthy fats such as fried food, red meat and whole-fat dairy items. Also, you should avoid items with high-cholesterol like shellfish, egg yolks and cheese. Foods such as vegetable oils, fish, nuts and oatmeal helps in lowering cholesterol.
Vitamin D Test
Significance: Deficiency of Vitamin D can lead to muscle weakness, bone pain, increased risk of cardiovascular disorders, asthma in kids, cognitive impairment and even cancer. Researchers have also found that vitamin D is beneficial in treating multiple sclerosis, type 1 and 2 diabetes and hypertension.
Due to limited exposure to sunlight, our body tends to produce less vitamin D. Also, our skin tends to make less vitamin D with the passage of age. You need to check the levels of this vitamin either through blood sample collection from home or at the laboratory.
Frequency of this test: You need to consult with your doctor about the frequency of this test. It usually depends on your diet, exposure to sunlight and age.
Range: Your blood should have vitamin D more than 30 nanograms/milliliters (ng/mL)
Foods Rich in Vitamin D: If your test shows low levels of vitamin D, your doctor will prescribe you a supplement. Also, try to add food rich in vitamin D such as beef liver, egg yolks and dairy products.
Blood sugar test
Significance: This test checks the level of sugar or glucose in your blood. Increased blood sugar indicates that either insulin in your body is not working efficiently or its quantity is not enough. Insulin is the hormone which helps in breaking down sugar. High levels of blood sugar are a symptom of prediabetes or diabetes.
Frequency of this test: Your doctor needs to check your HbA1C or fasting glucose level, over the period of last three months, once every year. However, if you have high blood pressure, this test should be done more often.
Range: Your HbA1C should be less than 5.7% and on a blood sugar test it should be less than 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).
How to control high levels: If you are having prediabetes or on a borderline with a range of 100 to 125mg/dL, you can prevent its progression to diabetes by making lifestyle changes. You can decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes by 50% with a healthy diet and reducing your weight. Also, you need to get a minimum two hours and thirty minutes of exercise each week.
It is always better to consult your doctor before getting any test or treatment. eShifa not only has Pakistan’s best specialist but you can get blood sample collection from home facility at your convenient time.
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