Blood and pathology tests are the most helpful way to detect and diagnose health problems. Due to their imperative role, most laboratories are offering blood sample home collection facility. Regardless of the nature of your sickness, your physician will use results of these tests to prescribe medication.

Things to Know About Pathology Tests 

Pathology basically refers to the study of illness, underlying causes and its phases. Pathology tests not only includes blood tests but also tests performed on bodily tissues, urine and stool. Pathology has following specializations:

  • Chemical Pathology: It investigates chemicals found in bodily fluids such as blood.
  • Haematology: It focuses on blood disorders.
  • Anatomical Pathology: It diagnoses disorders of human tissues and mostly diseases tissue is surgically removed from the body.
  • Medical Microbiology: This specialization detects infections caused by microorganisms such as parasites, fungi, bacteria and viruses.
  • Immunopathology: It investigates how our immune system responds to any disorder.
  • Genetic Pathology: It detects genetic diseases.
  • Forensic Pathology: It is used by forensic experts to determine the causes the unexpected death or such cases where police suspect foul play.
  • General Pathology: In this type, a laboratory technician performs blood sample home collection or in laboratory for investigation of a disorder.
  • Clinical Pathology: It applies laboratory testing to diagnose diseases.

Importance of Pathology Tests

Nowadays, majority of doctors send their patients for pathology tests before prescribing medicines. They want to diagnose accurate cause of a health condition. These tests are the most effective mean to discover health issues. Following aspects make pathology tests an essential feature of modern healthcare system:

  • Timely detection of diseases
  • Cure of diseases
  • Monitoring progression of the illness
  • Disease’s prevention e.g., mammograph is used to detect early symptoms of breast cancer
  • Determining risk factor e.g., checking cholesterol levels
  • Monitoring safety of medical procedure or medication

Reasons Your doctor has prescribed you pathology tests

Here are some of the reasons, you need to get a pathology test:


Screening through blood sample home collection helps in detecting early onset of a disease. In most of the cases, patients are unaware of its presence. Genetic and inherited disorders can also be diagnosed with this procedure.

Potential Risks

Pathology tests are used to investigate potential risks to your health such as rheumatoid arthritis, heart conditions or diabetes. Your physician will assess the risk by using various factors such as your age, weight, family disease history along with your tests results.


Doctors prescribe pathology tests to accurately diagnosing underlying causes of a health issue. Test results also help in determining what kind of treatment or medication is suitable.


In some cases, doctors use pathology tests to determine what will be the likely outcome or next stage of any particular disorder. For example, if a patient is suffering from cancer, test results will inform the doctor about its stage.


Doctors need to know blood type of patients’ before starting any treatment surgical or non-surgical. Blood tests help them to find this out.

Monitoring Effects of Medication

Pathology tests help your doctor to monitor effects of medication on your diseases. Their results help them in adjusting doses of medicines.

Investigation Vs. Screening

When you get yourself tested through blood sample collection from home or laboratory, it serves number of purposes. The difference between investigating or screening tests lies whether or not symptoms exist in your body. 

In screening, doctors prescribe simple tests to identify persons who have disease but do not show symptoms of such disease. One of the examples is encouraging people above 50 years of age to geta regular bowel cancer screening. Another example is to perform Pap smears on all women to diagnose cervical cancer. Antenatal tests help doctors to detect risks to pregnant women and their unborn babies.

Doctors prescribe tests for investigation purposes when they have concerns about patient’s health or the patient is showing some kind of symptoms. Tests enable them to explore the problem in depth. Screening is for general population and investigation is for individual patient. 

Regardless of the purpose of the test, its imperative to get your test done from a reliable laboratory. eShifa offers you the facility of urine, stool and blood sample home collection as per your convenience. Login to our website or use our UAN to book your sample collection from home

Home Lab Services

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